
Your car's safety is our top priority

At TravelMechanic, safety is at the core of everything we do. We're dedicated to making your experience with us safe and worry-free. We're available around the clock, 7 days a week, to ensure your peace of mind. We also provide our team with the knowledge and skills they need to keep you safe. Our goal is to protect everyone in our community during every step of your journey with us

People you can trust

A team of trustworthy professionals, just one tap away

Before anyone joins our team, they must go through our strict and thorough screening process. We leave no stone unturned, checking for driving violations, violent crime records, and other crucial factors. We maintain exceptionally high standards, and only those who meet them become part of our team. If they don't pass, they don't join us

TravelMechanics must also pass annual checks

We don't just perform an initial check. Mechanics go through yearly checks, including looking at their driving record and criminal history, to make sure they're still a good fit for our team

We screen and educate every mechanic

We ensure that the mechanics have the required expertise, experience, and dedication to customer satisfaction. Mechanics must have the appropriate tools and equipment to perform their services efficiently. They come fully prepared with the right set of tools to ensure a seamless and professional service experience.

Ratings mean action

Real-time ratings and feedback are built into the TravelMechanic platform. All mechanics must maintain a high average rating. Repeated poor feedback and low ratings signal poor performance, which leads to deactivation to keep the community safe.

a person rating a mechanic 5 stars

Your personal information stays private

Your personal information always remains private. Whenever you call or text your mechanic through the app, they don't see your phone number, and you don't see theirs.

Support when you need it

TravelMechanic support is available in real-time, 7 days a week, and is handled by a team of trained support professionals

If you're in immediate danger, please always contact authorities first

Your car is protected

Each TravelMechanic is backed by a multi-thousand dollar insurance policy from the moment your vehicle is in the mechanics hands

car covered by insurance

Frequently asked questions

You can schedule a TravelMechanic Monday - Sunday 8 AM - 9 PM. You can book on-demand and we'll be there in as little as 30 minutes or you can schedule for the hour of your choice up to 30 days in advance
We will make sure the mechanic has all the right parts that your vehicle requires before they arrive to the appointment
Yes! We understand that some car owners prefer to supply their own parts for various reasons, such as brand preferences or cost considerations. At TravelMechanic we value your choices and offer the flexibility for you to provide your own parts. The mechanics will gladly perform the labor required for the installation or repair
We accept various payment methods like debit / credit cards, cash apps, and we also provide financing option, and to secure your booking, we require a card on file. However, rest assured that your card will not be charged until the service is completed

Get an estimate

Fully insured. On your schedule. Arriving in as little as 30 minutes to your home or office

You can save up to  +30%

Get a quote and book a service online 24/7. The mechanics will come to your home or office, even on evenings and weekends.